π”šπž‚π«π πŒπ•’πŸ‰π β΅π‘’πš› β€’ αžπ˜°π—»Ζ π™πžπ™­π— β€’ π–π‘ƒπŸ™


Mangle some TEXT(returning QUANTITY results) by replacing characters with other unicode characters that look vaguely similar to them.

Example curl:

curl "https://www.jtk.dev/toys/disunicode/api/mangler" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "TEXT", "quantity": 3}'


{"text": "TEXT", "mangled": ["οΌ΄π„π—π˜›", "πœ―π•°π¬π™", "𝕋𝔼𝛸𝐓"]}
  • If you omit TEXT, a random word will be used.
  • If you omit QUANTITY, one result will be returned (still in a list).


Get QUANTITY random words (filtered by an elaborate process that guarantees high-quality mangle-able words).

Example curl:

curl "https://www.jtk.dev/toys/disunicode/api/words" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"quantity": 4}`


{ "words": ["negate", "vietminh", "adamellite", "phaeacian"] }
  • If you omit QUANTITY, one result will be returned (still in a list).